About Us

We are just another dysfunctional family. We love each other and always will; but we can only be around each other for so long before the fighting begins.

Dad, is door shop manager at BMC. They are in the process of driving him crazy as the move the door shop from Shelley to Idaho Falls.

Mom, is a walking calendar. If we need to remember a date she knows it (well her phone does). Mom keeps us all in line. (No pictures cause she refuses to let them be taken!!)

Jessica, is a teacher at Manila High School. She just finished up her 5th year there. She teaches Social Studies, Photography and Yearbook. She is single and very aware of it!!! She also traveled to Europe this summer for a vacation.

Me, well I'm just finishing up by sophomore year at BYU-Idaho. I'm majoring in Web Page Design and Development with an emphasis in design. This semester I will finish up my cluster in Networking leaving my cluster in Criminology.

MaKenzie, just graduated from Shelley High School. She is a certified CNA. She would like to major in nursing and will begin the program at BYUI as soon as she learns her track assignment (which she is not so patiently waiting for).


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